More Echinacea Varieties for Late Summer Planting!

We have added to our amazing selection of Echinaceas!!
We have added to our amazing selection of Echinaceas!!
That's right, we keep them coming! We are into the prime of the summer garden season when you can see and touch these flowers.
How will you ever know what color you want in these summer blooming beauties if you don't come out while they are blooming.
So, all you Spring gardeners, their is a reason why you don't have enough summer color. You miss a huge selection that is ONLY available in Summer.
Why, you ask? It's simple- space. As big as we are we cannot fit every plant in the garden center at one time.
Just like how you purchase seasonal clothes at different times- same with plants.

So about Echinacea, they are Gorgeous and EASY!
Why Echinacea?
It is Drought Resistant and Shade Tolerant
Echinacea easily adapts to a wide range of climatic and cultural conditions. It does not demand much attention or pampering from you, so it is a great choice for novice gardeners. Although it appreciates getting a moderate amount of water regularly, it is tough enough to tide over extended periods of drought.

The long tap root of echinacea may be able to access moisture deep down in the soil. The roots are fleshy and capable of storing some water. That is one of the reasons why drainage is important for this plant from the dry prairies. They are often planted in raised beds or mounds to ensure good drainage. 

Echinacea thrives in full sun, but can do well in partial shade too. That gives you some amount of flexibility as to where you can grow them in the garden. In small yards with space limitations, these tall plants can be planted against the house, garage, or a wall, where they will make a good backdrop for shorter plants. As long as the plants get 3-6 hours of direct sun, they will remain happy and put up a good flower show.

There are many new varieties of echinacea available now, so you can choose the ones that are best for your garden. Most species of echinacea grow between 2 and 4 feet, but you can choose dwarf varieties that barely reach knee height.

It's a Perennial
But why should that be a good reason to grow them?
Perennials should be treasured in gardens because they spare you the trouble of starting new plants every year. Perennials generally die down in winter and then magically resurrect in spring, putting out vigorous growth from their underground parts. You don't have to start seeds early, harden off the seedlings, and then transplant them in their target sites.

Pollinator Friendly
Echinacea has a long blooming season in summer that stretches into fall. The central disc florets of echinacea flowers produce plenty of nectar that attracts bees, butterflies, and other insects into your garden. It is a visual feast watching colorful butterflies fluttering over coneflower beds in full bloom.

Attracting bees and butterflies into the garden benefits other crops growing there. These pollinators help increase the yield of vegetable and fruit crops that favor cross-pollination. 
It is a Goldfinch Magnet in Fall and Winter
As the flowers fade and the nectar dries up, the flower heads of echinacea continue to attract winged beauties, but it is time for the birds now. Goldfinches are particularly fond of echinacea seeds. Many gardeners refrain from removing the dried up plants just to have these birds visit their garden.
It's Native
Echinacea is a true North American native, which explains the great attraction it holds for insect pollinators and birds. Native plants need to be promoted because they are critical to the native ecosystem. Native wildlife depends mostly on native plants for their sustenance.

Plants introduced into the land often become invasive, edging out many native plants. This deprives many native animals of their food and shelter. Coneflowers are worth preserving for this reason alone, although they have many other positives going for them.  
Healing Properties
Echinacea is one of the easily recognized of the medicinal herbs. It has a long history of being used as a general tonic to increase immunity, especially against cold and flu viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Its antimicrobial activity promotes wound healing and its anti-inflammatory property makes it useful in the treatment of upper respiratory inflammations, skin rashes, and swellings due to insect bites.  

We have a duty to preserve the herbal wealth of our land for future generations, and echinacea can very well be considered a mascot of North American medicinal plants. Both E. angustifolia and E. purpurea have medicinal properties, although the former is more widely used.
The medicinal properties of this common wildflower were known to the native people, who used the roots in many of their herbal preparations. Echinacea is commercially available in many forms, and they become hugely popular during cold and flu seasons.

If you have echinacea growing in your garden, you can easily prepare the healing tea at home to improve your immunity against diseases and to combat bacterial and viral infections.
Check out our New Varieties!
Available for purchase online or in stores now!
All of our new Coneflower varieties are in #1 sized containers, and are usually priced at $15 each.
For a limited time they are $12 each of 3 for $30!
Cara Mia Rose
Butterfly Kisses
Green Eyes
Prima Ruby
Prima Ginger
Maui Sunshine
Solar Fire
Sombrerro Adobe Orange
Rocky Top
Raspberry Truffle
Tomato Soup


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